

Not feeling well, Macrobiotic will help you 体調が優れない時こそ、マクロビ!

Vegetable curry served at  a macrobiotic restaurant
More than a year ago, I had been eating Macrobiotics food learning from few books that I borrowed from a library of my town. Just learning by myself, I learned how food works in my body, what to cook and to eat when I feel bad and how important it is to thank the food.

Since I had been in bad form maybe because of the hot and humid summer weather, I made several macrobiotic foods on weekends. I also made each meal consist of rice and miso soup and other dishes basically consisting of vegetables, beans and seaweeds. After eating them for 3 days, the condition of my body got far better. I really feel thankfulness to the power of food.
miso soup with root vegetables
Fried vegetables

Recently macrobiotics had become more popular among the Japanese as celebrities and Hollywood stars in the U.S, have taken to it. I hope more people enjoy macrobiotics in their every day life and improve their life style.

Simmered red bean paste and pumpkin

Roasted rice balls




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