This morning, I enjoyed 2 kinds of sake less dishes.
Sake less dishes are very easy to make, and very healthy. I like sake less dishes partly because it tastes nice and partly because it somehow gives a long-lasting feeling of satiety.
The first one is apple compote with sake less. Cut apple was simmered with water and sake less and salt. The apple tasted much better the one simmered only with water.一つ目は酒粕のリンゴのコンポート。リンゴを切って酒粕とお水とお塩で煮詰めました。お水だけで煮たリンゴよりも、酒粕で煮たものの方が断然美味しいです!
Instead of using baking powder nor egg, I put tofu curd inorder to add tenderness and to put them together.
The following pictures are the ones I look at the dining table this morning. I had good start with sake less delicious dishes and pretty flowers.